Category: Medication Safety

RaDonda Vaught's Story Versed Versus Vecuronium

RaDonda Vaught’s Story: Versed vs. Vecuronium

Two years ago, a Nashville nurse was convicted of negligent homicide and impaired adult abuse after accidentally administering the wrong medication to a patient. Read the full facts of RaDonda Vaught’s case, including the support she recieved from hundreds of

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Minimize Distractions in the Clinical Setting Cover Image

Minimize Distractions in the Clinical Setting

Chuck DiTrapano, RPh and Bailey Klingaman discuss the dangers of distractions and interruptions in the clinical setting, and provide numerous solutions to help reduce the risk of harmful medication errors and improve patient safety. Anyone who has worked in any

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Making Medication Administration Safer Cover Image

Making Medication Administration Safer

Eric Cropp, RPh, shares his personal story about a medication error that forever changed his life, how he became a patient safety advocate, and ways we can make medication administration safer for patients and caregivers. What Happened to Emily Jerry

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Two-year-old Emily Jerry looking up.

The Vital Role of Pharmacy Technicians

The following post was written by Chris Jerry of the Emily Jerry Foundation. Chris tragically lost his daughter as a result of a preventable medical error made by a pharmacy technician. We are grateful to Chris for his courage in

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Pharmacy IV Rooms: Are we minding the gap...??? Cover Image

Pharmacy IV Rooms: Are we minding the gap…???

Thank you to Rayburn Vrabel, former President and Principal Consultant at Vrabel Consulting Inc., and current Medication Systems Strategy Advisor, for allowing RxToolKit to publish his article, as originally seen on LinkedIn May 15, 2015, about the systems and practices

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In Support of the Second Victim Cover Image

In Support of the Second Victim

Eight years after the tragic medication error that led to two-year-old Emily Jerry’s death, Eric Cropp, RPh is still distraught over the events of that day. He currently advocates for patients and caregivers involved in medication errors, and supports second-victim

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Medication Errors: "A Pharmacist's Tale" Cover Image

Medication Errors: “A Pharmacist’s Tale”

JDJ Consulting Founder and President John Karwoski discusses a recent near-miss medication error and the actions he took to rectify the situation. He also provides suggestions for ways to prevent medication errors and near-misses in the future. I was working

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