Category: Competency

Intro to Infusion: IV Calculations & Dosage Conversions

IV Calculations & Dosage Conversions

Dive into a list of the most common abbreviations and dosage conversions seen in infusion medication administration with Bailey Klingaman as she walks through frequently used IV formulas and calculations clinicians in the field should be familiar with. Understanding proper

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IV Therapy Advocacy Through the Lens of a Nurse

IV Therapy Advocacy Through the Lens of a Nurse

Marlene M. Steinheiser, PhD, RN, CRNI®, shares her personal experiences with self-advocacy in infusion therapy. As a seasoned infusion professional, Dr. Steinheiser has not only advocated for her own safety and educated the clinicians around her,  but has extended her

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Pharmacy Technicians are Important Cover Image

Pharmacy Technicians Are Important

Chuck DiTrapano, RPh, recognizes the integral role pharmacy technicians have, and their contributions toward managing a successful practice. Joanne Adam, CPhT, offers insight about the potential advancements pharmacy technicians can make in the field. There is a common misconception that

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More Than Just a Pharmacy Technician Cover Image

More Than Just a Pharmacy Technician

The following guest post was written by Joanne Adam, a certified pharmacy technician. We are grateful to Joanne for sharing her story and helping others to understand how important the role of pharmacy technician has become, especially in our nation’s

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Technology, Technicians, Action! Cover Image

Technology, Technicians, Action!

RxToolKit Founder Chuck DiTrapano explores the current challenges and potential successes that technology and pharmacy technicians can have in the healthcare industry.  The profession of pharmacy has certainly evolved in the years since my graduation and licensure. Significant improvements to

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Pharmacy Technician Certification Cover Image

Pharmacy Technician Certification

Christina Martin, Section Chief – IVAU at the National Institutes of Health, discusses the lack of regulation of pharmacy technicians in most states. As a former PhT, she emphasizes the importance of certification and licensure for pharmacy technicians. I began

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