Category: Pharmacy Technology

The Evolution of Technology and Human Interaction Cover Image

The Evolution of Technology & Human Interaction

RxToolKit Founder and VP of Pharmacy Education Chuck DiTrapano shares his thoughts and responses to issues raised in The Overdose: Harm in a Wired Hospital. This article, written by Robert Wachter, MD, introduces the progression of technology in healthcare, and

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Technology, Technicians, Action! Cover Image

Technology, Technicians, Action!

RxToolKit Founder Chuck DiTrapano explores the current challenges and potential successes that technology and pharmacy technicians can have in the healthcare industry.  The profession of pharmacy has certainly evolved in the years since my graduation and licensure. Significant improvements to

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Pharmacy IV Rooms: Are we minding the gap...??? Cover Image

Pharmacy IV Rooms: Are we minding the gap…???

Thank you to Rayburn Vrabel, former President and Principal Consultant at Vrabel Consulting Inc., and current Medication Systems Strategy Advisor, for allowing RxToolKit to publish his article, as originally seen on LinkedIn May 15, 2015, about the systems and practices

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